IlA Marshall


Senior Portrait Photography: The Sienna Session

Celebrating the Class of 2023 with a senior portrait Session!

During our Oregon visit last summer, I seized the opportunity to celebrate my dear sister-in-love, Sienna, to create her senior portrait photography!

When You Cannot Be There

We miss a lot of birthdays, weddings, funerals, and other momentous occasions our friends and family have back home. It is hard. There is no other way to say it. We try to find alternative ways to celebrate with family and friends back home, but we are blessed enough to have family that understands and is so gracious with us.

Senior Photos with our Lady Sienna

Sienna was still a child when her brother and I got married. Over the years, I have watched her blossom into a beautiful young woman. She is sweet and gentle, kind and caring. The night before this senior session, she hurt her back, but she showed up like a real trooper!

She also has a sassy side that made our photos so dynamic, and I love that sassy side of her. She also has a commanding presence in front of the camera that drew me into these senior photos. This year Sienna will be graduating. Shout out to the graduating class of 2023!! I’m excited to see what she will do in this world! 

The Senior Portrait Photography Session

I’m sad that I might miss her walking at graduation in person like we missed her sister Audrianna’s high school graduation, but I’m blessed to be able to photograph her senior photos. We appreciate our Auntie Cindy for graciously offering her garden oasis for our senior portrait photography. We love our Auntie Cindy! And I love my hometown family that comes together to support each other!

Sienna, my sister-in-love, I am praying for tons of love and laughter for your senior year and beyond! Thank you for being my guinea pig, and I hope you get to do all the things you want to do in this season and the seasons of life to come. May God bless you and


Are you planning your senior portrait session? Click here to contact me!